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Contributions are welcome! This is a multidisciplinary project, so skillsets ranging from AI researcher to UI engineer are valuable.

Contribution ideas:

  • Build something and let us know what's easy/challenging/surprising.
  • Experiment with ways to embed AI directly in UIs and discover which best practices / patterns emerge.
  • Look at the batteries (e.g. NaturalLanguageRouter, UseTools) and rework them / build alternate versions.
  • Build better dev tools. The Ink app is pretty rough. Maybe we want a web app?
  • Build out other currently-unimplemented ideas from the aspirational README.

Example Demos

If you implement a new feature, it's best to add an example.

Follow these steps to make a new demo.

  1. Create a new file at packages/examples/src/my-demo-directory/index.tsx.

  2. Add an entry for your demo to packages/examples/package.json:

    "scripts": {
    "demo:your-demo": "tsx src/my-demo-directory/index.tsx",

  3. Add the your demo to that file. For example:

    import * as AI from 'ai-jsx';
    import { ChatCompletion, SystemMessage, UserMessage } from 'ai-jsx/core/completion';
    import { showInspector } from 'ai-jsx/core/inspector';

    function App() {
    return (
    <SystemMessage>You are an assistant who only uses one syllable words.</SystemMessage>
    <UserMessage>Why is the sky blue?</UserMessage>

    showInspector(<App />);
  4. Run the demo with:

    # Make sure you've run this at least once since cloning the repo,
    # or making any changes in packages/ai-jsx
    yarn build

    yarn workspace examples run demo:your-demo


To publish:

  1. During your PR:
    1. Make sure the version field in packages/ai-jsx/package.json has been incremented in accordance with semver.
    2. Update the changelog. Make sure to find the commit for the currently published version and add that URL to the version number.
  2. After your PR is merged:
    1. cd packages/ai-jsx
    2. npm publish

This will create a bunch of temp files in your current working directory. To remove them, run git clean -fd.